Connection Class Reference

Inherited by ConnectionCommon, and SQLiteConnection.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Member Function Documentation

Connection::connect ( $  dsn,  $  flags = false )


Connect to a database and log in as the specified user.

array $dsn The PEAR-style data source hash.
int $flags (optional) Flags for connection (e.g. Creole::PERSISTENT). These flags may apply to any of the driver classes.

Returns TRUE on success, SQLException on error.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

Connection::getResource ()


Get the PHP native resource for the database connection/link.

Returns resource

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon.

Connection::getFlags ()


Get any flags that were passed to connection.

Returns int

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon.

Connection::getDSN ()


Get the DSN array used by connect() method to connect to database.

See also connect()

Returns array

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon.

Connection::getDatabaseInfo ()


Gets a DatabaseInfo class for the current database.

This is not modeled on the JDBC MetaData class, but provides a possibly more useful metadata system. All the same, there may eventually be a getMetaData() which returns a class that behaves like JDBC's DatabaseMetaData.

Returns DatabaseInfo

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::getIdGenerator ()


Loads and returns an IdGenerator object for current RDBMS.

Returns IdGenerator

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::prepareStatement ( $  sql)


Prepares a query for multiple execution with execute().

With some database backends, this is emulated. prepare() requires a generic query as string like "INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?,?)". The ? are placeholders.

IMPORTANT: All occurrences of the placeholder (?) will be assumed to be a parameter. Therefore be sure not to have ? anywhere else in the query.


INCORRECT: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ? AND title = 'Where are you?' and body LIKE ?

CORRECT: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ? AND title = ? and body LIKE ?

string $sql The query to prepare.

Returns PreparedStatement


See also PreparedStatement::execute()

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::createStatement ()


Creates a new empty Statement.

Returns Statement

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::applyLimit ( &$  sql,  $  offset,  $  limit )


If RDBMS supports native LIMIT/OFFSET then query SQL is modified so that no emulation is performed in ResultSet.

string &$sql The query that will be modified.
int $offset
int $limit

Returns void

SQLException - if unable to modify query for any reason.

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon, MSSQLConnection, and OCI8Connection.

Connection::executeQuery ( $  sql,  $  fetchmode = null )


Executes the SQL query in this PreparedStatement object and returns the resultset.

string $sql The SQL statement.
int $fetchmode

Returns object ResultSet

SQLException if a database access error occurs.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::executeUpdate ( $  sql)


Executes the SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

string $sql This method may optionally be called with the SQL statement.

Returns int Number of affected rows (or 0 for drivers that return nothing).

SQLException if a database access error occurs.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

Connection::prepareCall ( $  sql)


Creates a CallableStatement object for calling database stored procedures.

string $sql

Returns CallableStatement

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, OCI8Connection, and PgSQLConnection.

Connection::close ()


Free the db resources.

Returns void

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

Connection::getAutoCommit ()


Get auto-commit status.

Returns boolean

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon.

Connection::setAutoCommit ( $  bit)


Enable/disable automatic commits.

Pushes SQLWarning onto $warnings stack if the autocommit value is being changed mid-transaction. This function is overridden by driver classes so that they can perform the necessary begin/end transaction SQL.

If auto-commit is being set to TRUE, then the current transaction will be committed immediately.

boolean $bit New value for auto commit.

Returns void

Reimplemented in ConnectionCommon.

Connection::commit ()


Commits statements in a transaction.

Returns TRUE on success, SQLException on error.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

Connection::rollback ()


Rollback changes in a transaction.

Returns TRUE on success, SQLException on error.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

Connection::getUpdateCount ()


Gets the number of rows affected by the data manipulation query.

Returns int Number of rows affected by the last query.

Reimplemented in MSSQLConnection, MySQLConnection, OCI8Connection, PgSQLConnection, and SQLiteConnection.

This file is part of the Creole[php4] library.

Copyright © 2004 Hans Lellelid  
Creole[php4] CVS